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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Transition...

Is there more to life than a series of transitions!? each phase lasting a variable amount in time and space. As they say...the entire philosophy of life can be summed up in exactly 3 words..."It goes on"...no matter whatever...life jus goes on... Am writing this at the end of one journey and at the start of a new one...and i jus am wishing..which one will be my destination journey...I know i still've got a long way to go before i can reach the final one...

K lemme start this one from as far as my memory goes...

My very first day in satyam... Orientation... in Viceroy hotel Secunderabad...were supposed to report in masha allah(One of the Satyam facilities in Secunderabad..)...and they take us on an elite bus to an unknown location...and when we get down...well we are already inside the five star...i know Satyam sure knows how to make its employees feel they are on the top of the world...and that itself was the first transition for me...coming from somewhere like bhilai...landing into a five star...i realized life was changing for me...things were gonna change...and may be it was then that i felt for the first time that i will be one among the "EXECUTIVE" people...it felt great...i was gonna be one among the Saahab family...that was the impression we got with all the stars of the hotel cast upon us on the first day itself...Anyways...Documents submission...amazing five star lunch...lots of intros...and finally masti... its over after all the dancing and dramatizing...of course with a news from great Mr SURI PONNADA that the ELTP preassessment is scheduled for saturday...assemble @ Mayfair @ 7:30 in the morning to catch the bus to STC...Bahadurpally...also strict instrustions saying forget your saturdays and sundays till you are an ELTP... k fine...went home with the same...grudging and things...
First day inside the Satyam STC Campus....amazing place....i was dumbfounded by the beauty...and the poshness of the locale...never really had seen such a place in my life...knew i was among the elite ones...being a proud satyamite...the assessment was anyways bad and with a full round of scolding from suri ponnada...you people from chennai comiong to satyam and making the whole environment dirty...you people have still not come out of your "College culture"...stop being this way...be proffessional...etc etc...bla bla blaaahhh...so were finally done for the day...and came to know that the next step was to attend our induction into satyam...were not sure of what it meant...but this was all that we were told...assemble @ CC sharp 9... :)
Induction into Satyam....then had no idea of what we were being taught...ya ofcourse the business structure of the company...info about the clients...development centres outside india...inside india...per quarter turnovers...big shots of the organization...etc etc...had no idea of y we were being told all this...and almost slept thru majority of all this gyan...now i know y i was so "dumbfounded" in satyam... :) Anyways...had a lot of fun activities on that one day...lot of interaction sessions....lotsa new people whom i said a hi to...and it was in totallity a good day.. had fun was happy being a satyamite and all those great feelings that come with the "SATYAM" tag.. :)

End of the day we were informed about the technologies we were gonna be trained on...and i was wondering...ow man is this really so important....and i knew the serious stuff started there.. they said 30 of you are gonna be in Oracle...and the rest in Mainframes...was very happy hearing this...hardly knew what difference it made...but was sure...mainframes is better than Oracle any day....sparingly aware of the hardships this technology thingie is gonna put me in...and hardly had any clue into the intricacies of this technology stuff...all i knew was that Oracle is something i already know and def Mainframes will be a better option...ie if i was given an option...ha...now if you ask me to turn back time...to the day i had this induction thing...i wud def no doubt...go and chose Oracle...you know for obvious reasons....and for those of you who dunno the IT intricacies...well read on to find y Mainframes was sucha wrong technology.. :)
Owkay...anyways...we were ionformed to be in the West wing/East wing..(Sorry i don remember which wing it was exactly..)..so classes started...they told us that we will have classes for a couple of days immediately followed by assessments...and we HAVE to get min 80% to pass...owkayyy...we being jus outta college...and almost the whole batch being from our great great CHENNAI...where mugging is a way of life...i mean children here are i think taught to mug straight from the times the zygote is formed in the womb...they all felt this was one great exam of their life that everyone has to top with 100%...uff i was in the worng place i realized...they all took it more importantly than even their final sem exams... DS, OS now this was one subject that kept giving most of us troubles right from day one...first the facilitator was absurd and when we got the best of the facilitator...well the subject itself became absurd... one paper that i dint clear till the end of the training tenure...no matter how many times i got the questions database...now if answers are wrong in the database what can you do!!?? or may be the entire evaluating system of the online test was wrong...yeah that was what we used to say when we dint clear any tests....we kept complaining that the database has wrong answers...the evaluation doesnt happen properly...the answres dont get registered properly...etc etc...think of new innovative reasons not 2 pass the tests...but i must tell you...those were the days...really "THE DAYS"...i mean now when i sit back and think of my ELTP days...well i can remember some things very close to my heart...no matter even if they gave pain in those days...these are some memories that will always bring smile/tear to my heart...some things very special to me...which have evolved me to what i am today...my first program manager...who always felt i jus dress smart but am no "PROACTIVE" at all...who always said i don study for tests..but keep talkin to guys all the time..and even when i get a 100 in some paper...she announces my name in the flunking list..she used to love me i think.. :)hmm...then the amazing raghuveer/raghuram/raghu sir...and his stories of mithun chakravarthy...and rajnikant..had fun in his classes...the various assessments and reassessments..and re re assessments...he hee he..the amazing CC(Convetion Center in STC...)...the amazing CC Cafeteria which used to full with our batch people...pulling each others legs...laughing..fooling around...our early morning shifts...our busses to STC...which we used to miss...and then call up the bus Rep to stop the bus for us..our saree sessions on teusdays...our great great Nagaraju Doamala...who always used to say that he is the best...and the best...and that mainframes is the best becuz of him...and also that even before we finish our trainings we will already be in projects...becuz there is some greaaaaaaaaaaaat big project coming for Mainframes...(As if we dint know that our prev mainframes batch has been comfortably warming the benches in Satyam for more than 9 months.. :))hmm...our great Seminar sessions...those were the only things we used to wait for...those were so amazing...different funny topics..different funny comments..and most great was the different funny people they used to pair each other with...it was all fun...the whole CC used to be like a picnic spot...play and have fun and come back..ha and how can i ever forget the great day when Domala said that the whole CC was built in 59 days...stoutly praising the Infrastructure of Satyam...and what happens the next day!!?? well the whole CC roof falls down cuz of heavy down pour of rain...we jus cudnt stop laughing...Domala was running here and there to make the place look normal.. :) hmmm...and some days later some cat runs accross the CC stage...and then some pegion comes inside the CC..with all the gaurds running behind it as it flies from one pillar to the other...thats the infrastructure...ahem ahem...no no am not tryin to put down the company...jus some memories.. :)

will continue with this later... see yu then...the transition wil continue..

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