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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Satyamotsav '08...

Satyamotsav...the name that has a lot of significance for me...known and unknown...revealed and hidden...true and assumed...whatever yu may call it...but this was important to me...i still remember the first ever satyamotsav that i could have been a part of, being a satyamite...will tell you later why i jus couldnt make it...first lemme tell yu non satyamites, what exactly satyamotsav is...its the annual (Ahem...supposed to be annual...but i dunno if it really is annual now...they jus keep celebrating it whenever they feel like it...or may be whenever they have the necessary funds...or may be when the associates make too much noise about the satyam fun@work concept.. :)) ya ok so it’s the annual union of all satyamites all over India.. again am sorry am not sure if theres a concept of satyamotsav outside India as well..hmm…so satyamotsav is that time of the year where all satyamites…working in all cities, facilities, client locations..etc etc.. come together and have fun together..may be even meet each other which they might not do usually owing to their busy schedules…so ya i understand that you got the concept of satyamotsav…
Well to me satyamotsav was all this and much more…I cudnt be a part of satyamotsav in 2006…owing to some dumb reasons…and actually one of my very gud friends in those days was out of town that time and I jus dint feel like going for an utsav without him…as being so new to satyam Chennai…I hardly had any gud friends to actually enjoy or have fun with.. and that could have been a start of some significant chapters in my life… and may be it was also…but anyways…those are not the things I am writing this post for..
Satyamotsav 2008 was one opportunity I jus dint want to let go…I am not a part of satyam now…but man…I still am so stuck to satyam…I still don’t feel am anything different from satyam at all…anyways…jus 2 days after I resign is the auspicious day of the utsav…and so I am definitely going for it…cuz there mite not be another satyamotsav that I might witness…
Now the biggest challenge was to arrange for a ID card for me as I am no more a Satyamite…and there starts the game of asking every girl casually…r yu going for the satyamotsav this year… :) girls and usually as the dumber they can get…usually undecided till the end moment…depending upon I dunno whattt!! Somehow I manage to get this one lady’s ID…now I don look anywhere like that lady ok…but ya who cares…I mean I have an ID card swinging around my neck…and that’s enuff to let others know am a satyamite..
So I go for this much awaited much significant utsav….and as the much popular figure that I am…well I cudnt be left unnoticed…and there it was…with loads of people asking me the same thing…hey babes…how come yu r here!!??…c’mon man…I served satyam for almost 3 years!!! Don’t I deserve one utsav!?? So what if I have resigned satyam…and satyamotsav is a festival only for satyamites..!!??
OK OK…so all this bally hoo about rubbish…finally what about my experience at the great awaited Satyamotsav…man….except for the popularity part…everything else was decently avoidable…I mean except for the joy of people coming and asking me and esp guys coming and saying ohh yu r looking pretty…and stuff like that…everything else in the utsav was…I don wanna use fowl language…but ya everything else was jus not utsav types…I mean this could have been the worst behaviour I would have expected from “CORPORATES”…of a CMM LEVEL 5 company…I dunno on what basis they let these standards stay.. :(
It could have definitely been better with some decent shows to be put on…but alas…there was jus nothing enjoyable…ok so lets jus go for the food atleast…hav some stomach filling dinner and get back home safely…is that what my friends thought…!!?? Well dinner was the most unruly part of the evening…I mean it much looked like they were serving food for people in jail….rather people in jail will behave more decently I believe….on the sight of food people…”CORPORATES” and their elite CORPORATE families just pounded over it as if they have never seen dinner in their whole seven lives….or may be like they have been starved for generations for this one night’s dinner…even before the poor servers could open the packets of fruits…it was well torn like a box damaged by bomb explosion…and so as you can guess…my excitement of dinner was also over….jus wanted to get back home… :(
Anyways…it was good meeting all my fellow satyamites one last time…may be I will never be a satyamite ever in life again…and I jus dint want 2 miss this one last chance of being one… on my way back…I jus cudnt stop myself from going back in time….remembering memories good and forgettable…lost I was in those days…and how much I wished I could turn back time…and hold it in the space gone by….i wished to cry..to laugh..or may be jus to be back…and as it is…nothing returns…LIFE GOES ON…and so does its strings…

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