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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Devil's Advocate..

Some thought provoking stuff... some video that my brother sent me a couple of days back made me think twice before I could complain about my own life!! This video is about this small kid who speaks in so many languages to sell his peacock fans…he has not seen a school is his life…but speaks languages so that the different tourists will understand what he is saying… :)
i always used to think that life is unfair to me...i always felt i am not even living my own life...may be jus doing things that everyone else is telling me to do...rather than doing something that i would have wanted to do!! i always felt things were imposed on me...i am sure everyone makes compromises in life... you dont really get all that you ever wanted for your life!! i dont know how good it is to look back into the pages of life gone yellow...but sometimes it helps...surely it does... you realize how much you have grown up in life...how much you have learnt from things and people whom you met... and sometimes i feel like i lived in a painted life...a world painted by people around me... a world where i dint really know or understand what i was doing...but all i did was do my job in the space given to me at that time...and doesnt it sound so perfect now?? We all do that...at some point in our lives we do make decisions that are overwhelmed by others...i always wanted to advocate my own desires...thinking why always do i have to do things that others tell me rather than doing my own thing!! And then i realize that i atleast have the privilege of looking back at my life and saying i lived a life...and there still are people who cant remember where or to whom they were born!! there are people who still cant manage to fill their stomach full cuz they cant afford to do that...and i see myself complaining about the food that i get...not thinking that i am atleast getting it... there are still people who are not so privileged to get an education...and i see myself thinking that i could have gotten a better degree... there are some small children i see on the roads who are urging you to buy just one handkerchief from them...that will fetch them 2 Rupees...and may be a nite's food!! and i say i dont like my profession cuz my manager makes me work too much!! i spend almost a fortune to learn some new foreign language cuz that’s the “IN” thing to be knowing a new language… and I see this small kid speaking in different languages to make more customers buy his stuff… I don’t step out in the sun saying its sultry and it makes me tired…and I see these small feet wandering ceaselessly to acquire a living…and what a life is that!? I know we all go thru hardships and difficult commitments in our lives… but there are some who go thru difficult states jus to even obtain a life…
the next time before I say life has been unfair to me…I am definitely gonna think about this lingo kid…who doesn’t even care for the rain or sun…or the fun or the hardships...or the pain or the suffering...or for what hes missing in his life...cuz he has a bigger concern… he has to sell his fans before dusk so that he can get some money that can afford him food for the day… cuz thats LIFE for him...
And I used to think life is unfair to me!!??
Is there one who is advocating for him!!?? And still he smiles.. :)

1 comment:

Mustang said...

hmm. interesting.. i would rather say that it was a matter of survival for the little one to pick up his skills.
Most of us ( includes me ) forget the fact that we are so much better off than some who cant even afford 10% of what we have, but then since we can afford or get, we flaunt it. Blessed is he who realizes things at the right time and acts accordingly.

There are some things that we can change, some we cannnot, most we can pray about.

We all live painted lives sometimes.. but then when the paint wears off, we dont see anything but dirt ! the easiest way to getting around this is to get the dirt out and moving on, only this time you will listen to your heart rather than someone else. I count it as lessons, lessons that teaches one how to move on in life.

Take it easy.. everyone plays the game, everyone learns the same.
