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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Friday Salsa.. :)

Am writing almost about 2 months... i know the few people who once used 2 be regulars on my blog have left... cuz am myself not a regular on my blog.. :)

Was happy after a long long time...don ask why... there r some times when you want reasons to even smile...and no matter how big a reason it is...its jus not enuff to give that happiness to you.. and then there are times like this when you jus feel happy no matter whatever happens to the whole world...you can jus feel happy and make others happy and you feel everything around is so good...may be in normal scientific languages they call it mood swings...but who cares... i am HAPPY...and that is what actually matters at all.. :)

Loads happened in these few days...actually in the last 2 months...went thru almost hell... may be even now the hell persists to show its existence every now and then... but may be its jus that i have and still am learning new ways to shoo the hell outta my life.. am surprizzzed myself how i could have been like what i am now.. how i could be going thru the worst possible in one end and still keeping my temper and senses totally in place in the other end.. don feel its an achievement but it jus feels great...when one part of my life doesnt even know that the other is almost dying.. happens.. but am happy at the end of it all and no matter how dark the tunnel seems i know hope is shining its light at the end of it.. :)

Sometimes friends whom you thought were as important to you as your life...leave you and make you believe that you made a mistake in calling them your friend... but as they say.. so.. "i believe, no matter how good a friend is they are going to hurt you every now and then.. and you must forgive them for that.. " and so you forgive your friends and forget all that happened and go on and on...and may be one day when they cross all limits... you jus... again forgive them and move on... but may be this time you move on and start on a new journey... a journey to find some new friends cuz the ones who left you were not really worth it.. and may be then you realize...life after all isnt so hard to be lived without them.. :)

And so you move on to a new journey and time wont be so unkind not to give you a few moments to make you realize that you deserve a few smiles... a few heartfelt laughs... a few memorable moments that wil become the new memories of your life to overshadow the lost ones... every new day teaches you that your life moves on and so you have to...
This weekend started with some few things that made me so so happy... may be a step towards doing my own things in life...may be doing some things i always dreamt of as being away from clutches...started with some Salsa...Salsa being one of the few things in life that i always wanted to give a try to... i never thought i wil have so much fun...it was so good dancing dancing and jus dancing... you almost forget the whole world... you dont care whatever happens in the world cuz you are in a new world... thanks to cheekku for taking me into this new world... in d afternoon suddenly she calls up and says your salsa classes start 2day...so be ready and come for it... never thought wud make it thru...... met so many wonderful people.. feels good to see that you can actually dance and even people want to dance with you.. :) had a great great time... i dunno whatever i have written about my first experience with salsa is actually less than even an underestimate but for the first time am lost for words... it has been one of the experiences that made me feel so much at peace... finally atleast something in life that i always wanted to do... HAPPY.. is all i can say.., Satiated.. :)
Then it was the next good thing... having a peaceful relaxing coffee and dessert @ ccd... coming back home in style in the middle of nite... riding on the roads as if you rule them.. :) have a long long chat with some special friends... and then the greatest good thing of the weekend... one of my best best friend is leaving country...i mite not see this friend ever again in life... but am so happy... cuz this is something i have seen him waiting for since the time i met him.. and finally it came to happen for him... i almost felt like double wishes coming true for me at one shott.. :)
it was something different this time as he was leaving...it was a mixed feeling of happiness but at the same time i had this fear of missing him... but may be my happiness overpowered everything... it dint give me time enuff to react... i felt some emotions... dunno what it was... happiness/fear/sadness/satiety... may be jus HAPPY for him.. :)
finished the salsa friday with a walk with kiddo @ abt 1 in d nite...cudnt really believe the streets were so beautiful in the grey moonlite.. and the wind was jus so amazing...wud have made any sane person become HAPPY.. :)


Mustang said...

Ah, welcome back into the world of write and share; read the comments, stop and stare !!! Seriously, you were seriously hibernating, werent you ????

There's always sunshine after rain, and im quite glad that the sun is shining in your area of space at the moment. Everyone goes through a period of pain, betrayal and also loneliness, but all of them are to just make them stronger. You, after going through your own episodes of "mauj masti" have learnt to become strong, strong enough to raid the salsa floor. :)

Dancing - oh yeah.. it sure is a stress buster. In my biking arena, usually its the chill out time after almost a 500 or 600 km ride, tired and wired, but once the music and the ambience changes, time just stands still and its a world of bliss. Im glad that you are having fun in shaking that leg once a while... The salsa fever is sure catching up major throught the city and i guess you are one of the smitten :)

you should try a walk at about 3 ish or 4 at the beach.. The scene is lovely, i say ! or try watching the sunrise at 5 ish. I was out with a friend at that time and the only thing we did was just stare at the sky and stare mesmerized as the clouds changed from a pale blue to a fiery orange..

well, now that we all know that your fingers are very much alive, kindly post up regularly.

cheers and keep that smile on..


Ps : 1000 watt ka fused bulb hone mein koi josh nahin.

Mustang said...

:)thanks for your words... im glad that you feel much better to post up non bluey posts... its nice to have spice in life.. bluey + non bluey makes a nice twist...

yep, im on orkut.. here's my profile.

Anila said...

yaaaayyy u r back.. hehe

goshh too much.. u didnt tell me tht u r back.. oh well am catching up on ur posts..
so u better do the same..

and plz inform us beings.. when u get back.. hehe and incase if ur planning to escape or as mustang rightly asked hibernating.. plz do inform us..

so whats with all the new found happiness.. hehe will catch u later to find out more on it..

but dont worry about the missing out friendships.. ppl do come into our lives for a reason.. so if they fade aways.. dont worry.. that means.. thats all u were destined to be with them.. and who knows whats in store for the future,,

Miracle said...

@ ani...
babes...who knows better abt me and my faith in destiny... i know jo choot gaya uska saath bas utna hi tha... aage ke liye filhaal tho tu hai na dear.. he he he.. :)