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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Here I am...

Here I am…this is me…is this really me!??
Thinking of somethings that are beyond my scope of understanding….somethings that I jus don’t have any control over…I mean…ok fine, picture this scenario to get a better understanding of wat am blabbering….
I am a born dreamer…as a child I dreamt of something..and as I grew I came to the realization that things in dreams are not real…people kept saying…dream high to achieve high…my dreams were not so high that cud have been insurmountable…and…what did I gain??! So now I stopped dreaming and started living life with whatever it had to offer…dunno if everything it offered was good or bad…actually now kind of lost…now I don’t even know whats good or bad…but still do I dream?
I know all of us at times are lost…lost in thought or spaces in time…the albatross called LIFE becomes arduous…even if not arduous…may be bewildered with the very existence of itself…and still we spin out our journey…kissing off all that we were searching for in those lost spaces in time…
Some say believe in DESTINY…and I do so…I trust that things happen for a reason…and all that happens was jus meant to be that way…you don really play a part in creating one…you jus play your part of having one… then where does all the drudgery of this real world come from? I mean when all’s written as they say…then why worry!?? But remember nothing comes to pass until you play YOUR part… and is there a wrong or right in playing parts?? May be!!?? I don’t know…but all I know is that…its all written…may be on stars…may be in our hands…may be in some books…may be in some scripts…but still do I believe in DESTINY…
We keep meeting different people at different spaces in time…some we jus don’t remember talking to even…and some we jus cant take out of our thoughts…and some who become a way of our lives…or may be even a reason for us to live…its bliss to be in LOVE…or to be loved…I do not know how different it is…but in this real world…the latter is better…cuz the former does not always reach its destination…if it does..thats the best reward that a LIFE can get…that’s Life fulfilled…in all its ubiquity…
K lemme come back to my post…I dunno why I started writing this post today…I wanted to write for a long time…just embarking by collecting my random thoughts…myriad perceptions…And Here I am…
Been long since I last wrote…and I dunno why its so humdrum for me these days to keep going back in time…I know its all beyond my scope (to make things right..) but then its beyond my scope (to stop thinking of things gone by..)..thats pain…you are brooking something knowing its vain…and still this pain ceases to cease.. And Here I am… :)


Mustang said...

here you are..
this is you..
life has given you a challenge you
stay and fight
watch and learn
as this is what we always yearn !

well, you might be going through a tough time, a tumultuous jing bang.. but nothing is over yet !

Go through it, it wil make you a better person when you look back..

Good luck


Sudeep said...

A book for you to read...

"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho.

You dream what you want to achieve and the whole world will change to make you achieve those dreams.

You have to follow your dreams to the ends of the earth to know if they come true...But the knowledge you gain or the friends you make along the way you must never forget.

In understand you underwent a big change and you find it difficult to see it through, Keep going...there is always the light at the end of the tunnel, and there are always people to help you along the way.

Take Care,

My pen said...

I usually think that our life is pre-written . we are destined for the same thing but its hw we get there that makes it a better or worse experience. We cant just sit and watch …we must make things happen for us. Its really difficult ..Many times I think to go back and change the things which happened to change my life but u know it’s a life u can’t go back and change the thing to make ur present better. U can learn u can have experience to be mature. Life must go on.

Mustang said...

Thanks for your comments :), the big ride is scheduled for sometime in aug... but there's a chota ride happening this sat.. lets see how that goes... 120 bullets together will definitely be good , i reckon :)

dont worry about writing what you feel.. cos there are people to feel what you write... so write and get yourself right !!


Mustang said...

are you out of feeling bluey?


Mustang said...

:) thanks for your comments.. yes it was a fun weekend. Lots of riding and tons of dancing happening on sat night. Meeting old friends is definitely a nice thing..

http://picasaweb.google.co.in/musty312/MBMC6A190408200408/photo#5191457506100435618 - this would be me..

you had an accident ???????? how? when? why ? where? please to be replying with details... are you okay now? checked wit the doc... mail me an offliner if you can.. know my id?

taek care of yourself


Mustang said...

glad to hear that you are okay.... well.. the roads are unforgiving sometimes..
i dont have access to messengers as well :( bluddy shoddy.. pop an email at david.ebenezer@gmail.com .
