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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My Jaunt Back Home...

A journey that tallied to a curveball 2 me.. never really thought will be sad at leaving this place..though its not forever that i'll be gone..jus a fortnight.. My departure this time started with a goulash of outlandish things.. happy and sad..things i hadnt really anticipated. As usual i dint really have a reason for goin' home..may be jus a break from the routine office life. Lotsa things have changed since the last time i was home..and may be so comes the package of surprises this time.
"Enjoy The Moment" as someone said to me once..i guess these three words have become a way of life for me these days...and thats the way to live i feel, jus being happy, enjoying every moment. Isnt this what all of us are living for!?? Lead a happy life...the nub of all the elbow grease in this real world!! Long journeys always give me time enough to canvass my own life..the long journey taht i have wended...the people i met, the magical moments i enjoyed, the tart smack of De facto, the times i laughed, the times i cried..and things that make me feel my journey till now worth a LIFE at that.. :) Now i know life is not worth jus to think...its rather to LIVE...
All night i've been listening 2 music close 2 my heart..pondering my way ahead, the view from my window would have lured any lucid being, the half crossed moonlight makin the verdure glisten in myriad shades of black, grey and white..twas a state of ebriety with the raindrops gliding unremittingly on the laminated window along my seat..those far away lights takin me on a nostalgic voyage thru some of the most memorable moments of my life...oh how much i wish i could turn back time.. but is that what i am here for!? Am here...waitin agilely to eke out every iota of bliss that each moment encapsulates. Havent travelled thru this route before and it offers new things to explore and experience...true with our life journey as well...take new turns, take new routes, give chances for new experiences and there you are...doin wat yu want...enjoyin every moment.
I believe in the theory of the predestined destination...so wen the omega has already been set for you...its in your hands how you wanna reach it...toilin' and cribbin'...or smilin' and enjoyin' every moment....Journeys always come to and end...so will this one soon...and am happy am gonna remember this one as an inerasable one...enjoyin everything that it offered me...Whats Meant To Be...Will Be...Enjoy The Moment.. :)


Anila said...

this reminds me of my journey..
something tht i'm putting together in my blog..

but really.. it does make u wonder.. gossshhh am moving away.. hnnmm thts life babez..

Miracle said...

moving away is jus a gateway to new experiences in life...the sooner we giv space 4 it and become ready 2 face it...the more the mirth that comes wid it.. :)