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Monday, June 11, 2007


The most mellifluous of all created things for me...
your mere presence makes the irk in me to assuage..
your touch enrobes me with the shyness of muliebrity..i wanna lose myself going frail under the vigour of you..when i am with you, i savor an aura of aegis under your mantle..
All my deceptive accoutre and feign efface out before you..my veracious self is dauntless to pomp before you..
I lose myself for you with so much ease..my seity blends so effortlessly in your likeness, to find the marvel called us..
For all the love that i wanna give to you..all your flaws and smirch raze out to nothing.
Every moment spent with you is so beautiful..
Each new dawn...i wake up to find more moments with you..
In your own way you have shown me the true Myself..
I spend every trice engrossed in you..deeming nothing else matters..
Your ubiquity in me is the Elysium in this mundane life..

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