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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Dash of Spice..

Writing about something freakish that’s been happening with me lately… dunno if I should connect it to the various things or not…but somethings been disturbing me and I jus feel peace bloggin it down…last week was an eventful week…started with a long weekend as I was down with some food poisoning…so bunked office for a couple of days…and then…had a pre wedding treat with our old satyam gang…(no not mine…and treats are always fun wen yu r not d one paying for it.. :)) and it was much fun 2 be back the memory lane…meetin our old gang and flirting wid d old stories.. :)
Sunday the usual routine of church and other stuff…and shopping as well…and wen I was back @ home…well that’s wen I remembered that I had a hell load of pending work from office which needed to be done…then wat!!?? Slept at abt 3 to finish such damn boring chores… :( I hate codes…let them be in any language or script…they are so ediotic…I mean c’mon GOD only knows why such simple things are implemented using such long codes…now for instance in my next project one module is about adding a new code alphabet to some dumb stuff…now that will hardly take 15 minutes of coding for some person who understands the language the code has been written in…(and may be even in 15 yrs you wil not understand a word of it if yu don’t know the dumb language...sorry the language I work on is not searchable with google also…so no help available online as well…well am blessed.. :))but for this dumb thing…we have a spec doc of 5 pages….an Functional Doc of 6-8 pages and a TD of God knows how many pages….c’mon guys isn’t that useless….wastage of money/energy/resources/time…almost everything…huh.
Forget it…that’s the work part…so the week starts with a lot of new work assignments…and believe me I neva felt so stressed with work ever in my 3 yrs IT life…k fine…am not saying anything more abt my work…that’s boring…and irritating..
Everything was fine…was havin a good time at everything…and a minor accident happened…nw accidents are something irritating… I mean yu get hurt and all…and then you have to take some dumb painful injections…and huh…wait for all your wounds to heal…Thank GOD it wasn’t a big one…but I was jus thinkin of the mishap…I mean I dunno how the vehicle jus fell…there was nothing that cud have gone wrong…but as they say…may be it was jus meant to happen…
So now what am I tryin 2 prove writin all this stuff which cud be boring for anyone to read….sometimes somethings happen which we feel cud have no significance in our present or future….and may be somethings hit you back jus when you thought they cud never occur…and sometimes…you don really care whatever happens…you jus flow with life minding nothing, expecting nothing and still you lack nothing…I am jus somehow happy… I mean theres nothing great happenin @ work or life…and still I feel like being blessed with oodles of patience and spirit….a dash of spice…fills me and keeps me going…

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Here I am...

Here I am…this is me…is this really me!??
Thinking of somethings that are beyond my scope of understanding….somethings that I jus don’t have any control over…I mean…ok fine, picture this scenario to get a better understanding of wat am blabbering….
I am a born dreamer…as a child I dreamt of something..and as I grew I came to the realization that things in dreams are not real…people kept saying…dream high to achieve high…my dreams were not so high that cud have been insurmountable…and…what did I gain??! So now I stopped dreaming and started living life with whatever it had to offer…dunno if everything it offered was good or bad…actually now kind of lost…now I don’t even know whats good or bad…but still do I dream?
I know all of us at times are lost…lost in thought or spaces in time…the albatross called LIFE becomes arduous…even if not arduous…may be bewildered with the very existence of itself…and still we spin out our journey…kissing off all that we were searching for in those lost spaces in time…
Some say believe in DESTINY…and I do so…I trust that things happen for a reason…and all that happens was jus meant to be that way…you don really play a part in creating one…you jus play your part of having one… then where does all the drudgery of this real world come from? I mean when all’s written as they say…then why worry!?? But remember nothing comes to pass until you play YOUR part… and is there a wrong or right in playing parts?? May be!!?? I don’t know…but all I know is that…its all written…may be on stars…may be in our hands…may be in some books…may be in some scripts…but still do I believe in DESTINY…
We keep meeting different people at different spaces in time…some we jus don’t remember talking to even…and some we jus cant take out of our thoughts…and some who become a way of our lives…or may be even a reason for us to live…its bliss to be in LOVE…or to be loved…I do not know how different it is…but in this real world…the latter is better…cuz the former does not always reach its destination…if it does..thats the best reward that a LIFE can get…that’s Life fulfilled…in all its ubiquity…
K lemme come back to my post…I dunno why I started writing this post today…I wanted to write for a long time…just embarking by collecting my random thoughts…myriad perceptions…And Here I am…
Been long since I last wrote…and I dunno why its so humdrum for me these days to keep going back in time…I know its all beyond my scope (to make things right..) but then its beyond my scope (to stop thinking of things gone by..)..thats pain…you are brooking something knowing its vain…and still this pain ceases to cease.. And Here I am… :)