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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wo Lamhe...

This is one movie that moved me quite a lot...was always fascinated by all the songs of this one...and today i watched the whole movie..claims to be based on the life of Parveen Babi...i dunno much about this actress but i can only feel pity for the way things turned out for this actress...i feel so sorry for the days she would have spent in recluse...GOD only knows what all she would have gone thru in her life that took her to such a dreaded state of life...
The movie depicts how she climbs the staircase to become one of the most glamorous actress of her times...how her personal life betrays her at each and every step, and how she keeps weaving her own world of imagination, getting secluded from every emotional contact, imagining that the whole world is against her and wants to kill her...how the world stood against her and no one stood by her and left her secluded in her misery and loneliness...and one man who truly loved her more than his own life was there by her...the one reason he was alive was for her....to see her get back her life and be normal...finally she dies of schizophrenia...and this guy's life almost comes to a stand still....
the song that comes at the climax of the movie really touches me..
Mujhe phir tabah kar,
mujhe phir rula ja...
sitam karne wale...
kahin se tu aaja...kahin se tu aaja...

Very touching lyrics there by Gulzar...something so true for someone whos life's one sole mission was to see his love live...
the movie ends with an even more touching thought...when the guy says that the moments he spent with his love will be there even if the existance of her is no more...jus like a castle of sand collapses to nothing by the waves of the sea...so is a man's life...nothing remains except the memories...wo lamhe kabhi khatam nahi hote...kabhi mit the nahi..

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sneeze and number 5...

this is in continuation of my prev post...

now i know yu must be thinking whats the connection!? nice topic 2 write about... well for all of you who dont know whats the connection...well you sneeze and some dumb ediot asks you 2 tell a number...and after all the pain of that sneeze you have to tell this ediot some dumb number....and then this dumb ediot becomes surprizingly very happy.. :)


this dumb ediot cites the reason back to some ediotic old tradition/custom/belief...watever on the earth that can mean...it seems when you sneeze...it implies someone is thinking about you..and wats the connection with number!!?? it seems the number yu say corresponds to some alphabet in english and so the person whos name starts with that alphabet is thinking about you....ohh my GOD....and i thought so many people can be thinking about you...and what if some person has a French/Latin/German/Kalíníngradian/Hersegóvínaian/../.. name!?? well may be only people with english names have the authority to think about you as per the rules of this stupid old game. Anyways am not really interested in getting into the intricacies of this game or whatever it is...

r yu really reading the stuff i jus wrote?? so it implies..(without the application of any complex formulas)...but of course application of little common sense...that yu r absolutely jobless....i mean who on earth will read dumb stories abt some dumb ediot who cant digest his own stories??!!??

c'mon nw...don start cursing me...yu better don start catching up a sneezing cold wid all d thinking i am gonna start doing about yu.. :)

aww...am so sorry i din tell yu y i wrote dis post 2 be a continuation of my prev post..well well well...may be some dumb member of some inexplanable species wants to express his/her gratitude towards me that i gave him/her ( see don keep wondering y i am writing his/her...remember i hav still not revealed the identity of the great species...actually still dint understand the intricacies of the species..)...ya that i gave him him/her a whole post dedicated on his/her loving emotions towards ...elephants @ GC..so he/she keeps sneezing and thinkin of number 5... :)

Elephant at GC....

Ok... now for all yu guys who r thinking what that means...well lemme tell yu all how it starts...GC expands to Gajendra Circle @ IIT Madras...thanks to the IIT jargon, you will see more of these kinda expansions. Life in IIT as my bro an ex IITian says....is an out of the world experience...and that anyone can guess the moment one steps into d esteemed IIT campus. I have always been fascinated by life @ IIT. wish i was little more serious about studies during my school days...i wud hav saved myself a seat in one of the IITs... :(
Anyways this post is not about my aspirations to touch the IIT grounds...nor my aspirations to hav a life like one depicted in FPS(Five Point Someone...)...nor 2 hav a cool nick name which almost all d IITians hav...which hav no meanings outside the gates of IIT....etc etc...rather its about the life of the elephant standing gloriously in the IIT Madras GC.. think of the importance of these 2 gajas there....i mean everybudy on the IIT campus knows them...crosses them hundreds of times...and they stand so much importance in IIT Madras campus... :)
Actually one of my friend(Name not disclosed for personal reasons !!) was so very moved with the Gajas...that she actually wanted to stand there instead of the gajas....feeling sorry for the gajas you see...i mean they stand there without complaining in the sun, the rain and the thunder storms...this post is a dedication to the immense emotional attachment my friend demonstrated for the gajas... :)
This friend of mine has always had this ultimate interests in every ultimate species that you cant even think of being emotionally attached...i mean things like emotional attachment for elephants, i mean those elephants which are not even alive...emotional attachment for dhondoo(Another rare species of either koala bear or some monkey), and then again for other rare species(Again names cant be displayed for some personal reasons).either that the names of the species cant be displayed or you can even say the species cant be explained itself :)
..now this is an ultimate place for doing her "chops"...in her jargons... :P
i guess enough of dedications for the gajas and all the emotions attached with the gajas....ahhh i forgot to mention...she has some emotions towards the bechare deers of IIT as well....last week she took me to IIT and almost stopped there leaving me forgetting me....reason...madam was busy taking snaps of the beautiful and cute deers...haan now i know y she has so much emotions for the gajas.....now after reading this post i am damn sure shes gonna feel so much more glorious than the actual GC gajas that shes gonna throw them out of the GC and stand there instead.... :)

i am so proud of you Ms. gajendranandan.. :)